You long to get back your svelte figure, but have failed despite many attempts. Why not try these simple and natural ways to become slim and healthy again?
First up, increase your intake of FRUITS and VEGGIES. They are lower in calories, but will still make you feel full. On top of that, it’s full of vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Find out how many calories you should be consuming per day and stick to it!
Secondly, resist the urge to over-eat, so avoid places such as ‘all you can eat’ buffets and fast food joints. There is also no reason to finish all the food on your plate. Take home the left-overs for the next meal. Of course, once a while you can reward yourself by indulging in foods that you love, though with caution and the key is moderation.
Thirdly, when buying food at the supermarket, pay attention to food labels and keep an eye out for unhealthy preservatives, added sugars and fat content. When consumed regularly, these will turn into fat and normally will be deposited on your tummy and bum, thus the pear shape figure that you have been trying forever to work yourself out of.
Fourthly, EXERCISE! If you don’t normally do so, start off with brisk walks around your neighbourhood or running up and down the stairs a couple of times daily. Or sign up for a dance class for a fun-filled activity. It’s also a good way for you to meet people and socialize. If you have children, take the opportunity to exercise with them. This will be the best way for you to spend some time with them playing in the park, going cycling, swimming or just a walk around the neighbourhood. Be creative!
Last but not least, drink plenty of water! Our body is made up of 70% liquid (water, blood), so you need to drink lots of water to keep it healthy and hydrated. On average, doctors recommend that we drink at least 8 glasses or 2 litres of water daily. Always carry a bottle of water with you everyday wherever you go especially if you live in hot climates and work in an air-conditioned room. It has to be plain water, NOT coffee, tea or colas. Your body will dehydrate as much as 5 cups of water with just 1 cup of coffee. So think again!
Life sure is great when you look and feel great!
But... if you think doing all these is too much for you, then I may have a solution. For people who hate exercise or finding it too tedious and cumbersome to think about and count the calories of their food, or don't really wanna bother with looking at food labels when buying food at the supermarket, then contact me for an all natural alternative solution that will keep you healthy, slim and energetic but allowing you to still enjoy your favourite food.
Contact me!!! Here's my email or just fill in the form and I'll get back to you ASAP. Cheers!